Start HERE

We STRONGLY SUGGEST you review our Quick Start Guide before you begin using the webtool.

If you are the leader of a team, review the Facilitator Tips BEFORE engaging your team and completing the webtool.

The webtool is designed to be used individually or as a team. Teams may complete the webtool items together or asynchronously, though WE SUGGEST asynchronous completion to allow each member of the team a chance to rate items from their unique perspective. The discussion following the ratings will determine the ultimate team direction.

What to expect

By answering a series of questions, this tool guides you to identify strategies to optimize the fit of your program with your context

At the end you will be provided a personalized report with your responses and an action plan to strengthen your program

Data entered will only be shared with trusted partners and the iPRISM development team to enhance user experience

Practical, Robust Implementation and Sustainability Model (PRISM)

Use this tool iteratively to assess the context and fit of your program during planning, implementation, and sustainment in real-world settings

You may choose to complete this as an individual, as a team, or gather as a team after individually completing the tool to compare and discuss

   We would greatly appreciate your feedback, after completion, to improve this tool for future users (and hopefully YOU when you use it iteratively)!